1. Handrail frame: steel beam with RoHS anti-corrosion zinc plating treatment and stainless steel posts. The handrail includes photoelectric cells for user detection and the logic control board.
2. Self-supporting kinematic steel frame with RoHS anti-corrosion zinc plating treatment. The frame contains the electromechanical drive assembly for the swinging obstacle and the electronic control boards.
3. Brushed #4 AISI 304L stainless steel housing.
4. Brushed #4 AISI 304L stainless steel panels fastened to the frame for access to the internal components.
5. Clear, 10 mm thick tempered monolithic glass obstacles, swinging in the direction of user passage.
6. Brushed #4 AISI 304L stainless steel top cover.
7. Electromechanical drive units each consisting of:
• A DC permanent magnet motor with epicyclic gearbox.
• A controller providing progressive accelerations and decelerations of the obstacle, for smooth movement and enhanced user safety.
• A geared electromagnetic brake for locking of obstacles in the event of forced entry attempts.
• A sensor controlling the obstacle position.
• SECURI-SAFE standard operating mode: electromechanical lock of the obstacles in case of forced entry attempt in any passage directions.
8. AS1167 logic control board, equipped with ARM technology and the Linux operating system, ensuring advanced traffic management. An embedded Web server, accessible by a simple web browser, offering an interface for the configuration of functional gate parameters as well as a complete diagnostic and maintenance tool.
9. Transfer of information from XML-RPC protocol through an Ethernet or USB interface, and dry contacts: passage authorisation, passage information, reader locking, fraud, equipment failure, …
10. Orientation and function pictograms indicating gate and passage status to the user.
11. Proprietary DIRAS detection system, consisting of a high-density matrix of infrared transmitter/receiver photocells beams. It follows users progression through the gate as well as ensuring their safety during opening/ closing of the obstacles.
12. Finishing plate for post.