
Model EL5000
Manufacturer ELID Sdn Bhd
Country of Origin Malaysia
CPU 32-bit Intel386EX Microprocessor running at 25 Mhz
Card Users 38,000 local
Transactions 25,000 local
Memory 2MB RAM, 1MB ROM
Modes of Operation Card, PIN & Card + PIN, PIN Only
Standalone Operation Yes
Real-Time Scanning  Yes
Tamper Detection Yes
Display 2 x 20 alphanumeric
Connectivity TCP/IP, RS485
No of RS485 BUS 2
Access Applications Door, Car Park Access, Time Clocking, Lift Control
Max. Doors Supported 8 Doors
Type of Readers Barcode i. Magnetic, Proximity Smart Cards, Biometrics, Touch Memory (Field Deployment)
Max. Readers Supported i. 16 (8 IN and 8 OUT Readers)
Max. RIU Supported 4 units of ER505 2-Door Reader Interface Unit (RIU) or 8 units of ER504 1-door RIU
Max. EFD Supported 8 units of EFD80 Electronic Field Device
Max. I/O Modules 8 units of EA5168 I/O Module
Operating Temperature 0°C to 60°C
Humidity 10% to 90 % non-condensing
Power Requirements 5VDC/12VDC with 3 Amp Charger
Casing Dimensions 410 (H) x 400 (L) x 120 (W) mm
Approximate Weight 7kg with casing and Power Supply


600gm without casing and Power Supply

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