Dimensions: 80x40x18 mm
Reading distance: 5 cm.
- By default, readers are delivered in black. Special orders may be done in grey (G)
- Letter ‘M’ stands for 13,56 Mhz Smart card reader (instead of EM 125Khz).
Dimensions: 80x40x18 mm
Reading distance: 5 cm.
TPL: JP4/6: on, JP4/7: off, JP4/8: off. On TPL Rev.D1, Set Dip switch DS2/4 to ‘on’.
OPEN, SMART, NTL, TPLDR, JET and MEGA: DS1/6: on, DS1/7: off, DS1/8: off.
When using 26 bits EM decimal prox cards, set, via the PC application software, the controller to read 26 bits Wiegand decimal code.